Saturday, January 15, 2011

I couldn't be bothered to leave town

So I'm still in town and Panda is baking me cookies (in other words I started and then decided he had to put them on the pans and I'll take the off the pans and stuff like that). Yes I'm aware this doesn't sound villainous... but they taste good...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm off to create chaos elsewhere for a bit

In other words.... I need a vacation. Chaos can be exhausting, especially when you're the one causing it so I'm going to have to have a change of scenery I guess. Hopefully Pandamonium can keep up the evil doing by himself while I'm gone.
Tatty Bye.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The First Act

I have accomplished my first crime since obtaining my new identity. I made an illegal u turn while driving today and then parked in a no parking zone (well I didn't leave the car so I'm not sure that counts). These are very simple beginnings, I'm aware but I must start somewhere and our mascot was in the car and I am morally against endangering small children. BUT I was singing the whole while and laughing maniacly at the annoyed on lookers! My first deed is complete and I must now rest because tomorrow is Sunday. You know. The day of worship. It's this new thing i'm doing. I kinda like it.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Plans Fell Short

I'm gonna have to admit. I didn't get much plotting done. MissPandA is teething... I promise I'll have my plans up and running soon though! Mascots can be such a handful. I'll be up and dressed in leather, whip in hand ready to go play soon enough though.
I've made a discovery recently. RLSH's.... why? The world is doomed anyway. Have your fun while you can. We'll all be dead and buried soon. Take care of yourself. Forget the others. Let the weak fall first. It's all part of the natural order...
For the record, I am not her slave. I am her sidekick.

A Return To Slumber

Our mascot MissPandA kept me awake last night due to an inefficient heater resulting in popsicle toes. I must return to my chamber for rest before I can begin plotting! Good night my children. I shall awaken rested and ready to "play".